Unfortunately the August issue is going to be a week late. There is reason for this and the reason is that Sniff Petrol accidentally went to the HIGHLY PRESTIGIOUS Auto Express Awards on Wednesday night and accidentally got dog boilingly drunk to the extent that Thursday was a complete write off and no production of low quality gaggery and poorly Photoshopped mock advertisements could take place.
On the plus side, after attending the HIGHLY PRESTIGIOUS Auto Express Awards – which by the way were on a LITERALLY moving boat on the River Thames so NO ONE COULD LEAVE – Sniff Petrol was delighted to discover that we had won an award.
On closer inspection, however, it turns out that in fact Sniff Petrol had NOT won an award and that we had simply nicked a legitimately won trophy off SOME BLOKE from a Well Known Japanese Car Maker.
Still, they probably have loads of awards already and bung shit like this in a cupboard at their offices, whereas Sniff Petrol’s kitchen table is conspicuously lacking in poorly rendered perspex gongs that recognise build quality and customer care… UNTIL NOW.
Besides which, this sort of trophy-based thievery is nothing new, as the following selection of historical photographs will prove.