As many Sniff Petrol correspondents, mostly American ones, have noted, this website does not carry advertising. They agree that this is A Good Thing. But hang on a sec. What if you enjoy Sniff Petrol but feel it would be enhanced if at some point in monthly proceedings the weak jokes and poorly Photoshopped pictures were interrupted by shameless attempts to hawk sub-standard goods? Well worry no more because this bit you’re reading now is here to help with some frankly embarrassing attempts to thrust stuff upon you.
Firstly, Sniff Petrol has written a Top Gear spin-off book. It’s called The Big Book of Top Gear and it’s full of mild gaggery, much like the nonsense you find on this website. So much so in fact that some devoted – and frankly mental – hardcore Top Gear fans seem to find it a bit weird. Recommendations don’t come any better than that. You can buy the book from
Secondly, a while back Sniff Petrol set up a Facebook Group, quite a lot of people then joined and everything seemed rather jolly. Except that, as it turns out, too many people clicked to become part of the group and as a result it smashed through some faintly unfair Facebook threshold, beyond which you can no longer send a message to each member telling them when a new issue is on line. Turns out if you want to alert a large number of Facebookians about a monthly website update you need to create a ‘Fan Page’ rather than a ‘Group’, so that’s what we’d done. You can join it here. Oh yes.
Finally, and also on a Facebookery theme, someone – not Sniff Petrol – has set up an appreciation page for everyone’s favourite helmsmith hack, Troy Queef. You can join that by applying a dab of clicko here. Funny that no one has set up a Facebook page for Carcoat Damphands.