


detroit09fakery.jpgLast month’s Detroit Auto Show may have appeared to have taken place as normal but, according to some conspiracy theorists, the whole event was in fact a hoax carefully recorded on a top secret sound stage in Nevada.

‘There is no way the Detroit Show could have taken place,’ said Trisby Pone of leading conspiracy website ‘The US auto industry simply wanted to win the propaganda war by showing the world it was possible for technically bankrupt companies to show off new cars, even though in reality they had no money to do this.’

Mr Pone says careful examination of footage supposedly taken at the show reveals many inconsistent details and glaring errors which prove that the entire event was a hoax. ‘For one thing, look at the faces of the top US auto executives at the show as they talk about the future of their companies,’ he says. ‘Their smiles are totally unconvincing.’

Conspiracy fans also point to TV news items showing ordinary members of the public attending the show which, as Pone says, is ‘totally implausible. No one wants to buy a new car right now. Who do they think they’re kidding?’ However, for hoax theorists, the biggest giveaway was a shot of the exterior of the Cobo Hall where the Detroit Show supposedly takes place; ‘The shadows were all wrong,’ says Pone. ‘Plus, there was no one getting shot on the street and from some angles the building looked quite nice. Completely implausible.’

This is not the first time people have expressed doubts about a motor show. For years visitors to the British Motor Show have been heard to say they ‘couldn’t believe’ they paid money for this.