So Crazy Dave Coulthard, the preposterously ‘street’ Sniff Petrol character rather than the agreeable F1 driver-turned-pundit, has largely gone away. But the good news is that you can still buy one of the last few Crazy Dave T-shirts, now for the bargain price of just £12.
Never let it be said, however, that Sniff Petrol isn’t one to milk its more popular fictional columnists. That’s why we’re thinking of doing a new line of T-shirts modelled on the ludicrous wheelsmithery stylings of Troy Queef. Our chums at Slick Attire – the clothing artists formerly known as N138 – have already come up with some possible designs which you can see below but before we push the big button marked MAKE T-SHIRTS NOW! we’d like to know if you’d be interested in buying a fine piece of 100% cotton Queefery. If you fancy increasing your visual helmsmanship for about 15 quid then send us an e-mail and if we get enough of a response we’ll have something on sale by the summer. Bitch spankery.