Och aye tha noo muthafukas! Crazy Dave comin’ atcha on tha Bee to tha Bee to tha Cee. No, they ain’t trousers, I had ‘em sprayed on. Fo’ schniz. So las’ weekend we slide on over Middle Eastside, to tha Abu that is Dhabi fo’ tha end of tha F1 2010. Yea. So there be four guys who wanna stick it on the one slot in tha drivers’ championsheee-ip. Ma man Nando Lonso, he be in tha lead. Ma man Sebby V be up on his shit. Marky Mark, he gotta check heself before he wreck heself. And if you do tha math and shit, ma man Da Ham is still in tha running too. Fo’ sho’.
There be some bad ass excitement in tha paddock, and it ain’t jus’ ‘cos you can basically see Crazy D’s family jewels in he pants. No one know who gonna be tha champion, no way. But come tha lights out, Sebby V, he jus’ fly away, he got all his shit together fo’ sho’ and tha big prize be his. Hot diggety. That kid, he get on tha radio and man, las’ time I heard tha squeakin’ wit’ joy like that, it be in my bedroom. Know wha’am sayin’? Oh yea. Nuff respec’ fo’ ma buddies M Web and Lewy H cuz they ain’t don’ go down wit’out a fight. But no props fo’ Nando ‘cos he make tha disrespectful signs to ma man Vitty P. What a dick. Peace out bitches. So, I hope to see you all again in just 16 weeks time when coverage of the 2011 Formula 1 season will commence, only on the BBC. Goodbye.