Och aye tha noo muthafukas! Crazy Dave comin’ atcha on tha Bee-Biddy-Cee wit’ ma shortie Suzi P and ma bollocks talkin’ homie E to tha J. So las’ weekend we slide on over North America side fo’ tha Canadian Gee diddy Pee and man, we always love comin’ to this track. Wallizzle of Championizzles.
So, when it be on fo’ tha three phase fly by, ain’t nobody gonna touch tha pointy finger muddyfunker Sebby V cuz he be slammin’ it on tha ones, sweet like maple syrup. But who this be takin’ it to tha threes but ma Will.i.ams homie ValBo. Nuff respec’ to tha Finland muthaflucker. In between they two it be ma so solid Tha Ham with ma brother NiRo on tha fours. Man, this don’ help tings behind tha scenes. Illegizzle tyre testizzle controversizzle.
Come tha red five an’ goodbye, Sebby V be drivin’ away like everyone else be in a muthaflicking Marussia. But tings ain’t so gravy fo’ VaBo cuz that cat be loosin’ places faster than tha Libdiddle Democriddyats. Boom! Tings be even worse for ma Dutchie brother Gui to tha VDG cuz that cat be gettin’ into a smackdown wit’ ma flip flops homie M Web and then take down heself and Tha Hulk. Man, drivingizzle like Romizzle Grosjizzle.
Come tha wavy tablecloth it be Sebby V on tha ones and Tha Ham holds it on tha threes but who this be slidin’ in on tha two slot? It be that ultrabrow homie Nando, up from tha six slot. Quietlizzle classyizzle performancizzle.
And remember, in just over two week’s weeks time it’s the British Grand Prix at Silverstone and naturally we’ll have full live coverage of the action across the whole weekend on BBC One and BBC One HD.