‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello. On Sunday the 30th of June I done proceed in a Northamptonly direction to the Britain Grand Prix what done be in Britain. Here I done observe an IC3 male, one Mr Lewis Hamilton of Stevenage and Monte Carlo and Los Angeles innit, who done be driving at considerable speed in his silver Mercedes vehicle when he done experience what be, in fairness, a blowout.
Shortly following this incident, I done observe a red Ferrari driven by an IC2 male, one Mr Felipe Massa of Sao Paulo, what done experience a similar problem and done leave the road, to be honest, very fastly. Mr Massa done be done well to maintain control of this incident, especially as he done look like he can barely done reach the pedals.
I was barely done filling in what done be, in fairness, my incident report form when I done observe further blowouts what done affect an IC1 male, Mr Jean-Eric Vergne and two IC2 males, a Mr Esteban Gutierrez and a Mr Sergio Perez. I done hope to investigate these last two gentlemen furtherly since, to be honest, those names done sound made up.
In conclusion, I done be greatly concerned about the high level of tyre blowouts what done be occurring and this done be a valuable lesson to all motorists: If you done ask for tyres what done be crap, you is going to get, in fairness, tyres what is crap. Over and out.