‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello. On Sunday 6 April I done proceed in a middle easterly direction to the Bahrain Grand Prix, what done be in Bahrain.
Here, I done, to be honest, observe an incident between a grey Sauber vehicle driven by an IC2 male, one Mr Esteban Gutierrez of Mexico, near Mexico, and a black Lotus vehicle driven by another IC2 male, a Mr Pastor Maldonado of Venezuela, near sighted.
What done, in fairness, appear to happen done was that Mr Gutierrez done be literally driving his motor vehicle when Mr Maldonado done approach him at what be, in a sense, high speed and the two vehicles done literally collide. This done be causing the vehicle driven by Mr Gutierrez to become literally upsidedown for what done be a brief moment and then done become what done be the right way up again.
To be honest, it done be my opinion that this incident done be the fault of Mr Maldonado who done be, in fairness, absolutely mental.
Having done observed this incident, I done remember I done be a police officer in Bahrain so then I done beat some protestors to death. Over and out.