‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello. On Saturday the 10th of May I done proceed in a southerly direction to the Spanish Grand Prix, what done be in Spain.
Here I done observe a black and gold Lotus vehicle driven by an IC2 male, one Pastor Maldonado of Venezuela, in Venezuela, what done lose control during what done, to be honest, be qualifying. The vehicle done then collide with what I done observe to be, in fairness, a wall.
Following this incident, on Sunday the 11th of May I done remain in the Spain area of Spain and I done observe Mr Maldonado driving the same Lotus vehicle when he done collide with a green Caterham vehicle driven by an IC1 male, one Marcus Ericsson of the Sweden district of Sweden.
After studying the evidence of these accidents, I done conclude that, to be honest, these done be the fault of Mr Maldonado and that Mr Maldonado done be, in fairness, a silly twat.
Over and out.