There was delight today in the small town of Howling, in Agony, as the intended meaning of a personal number plate was explained by some small writing just underneath the registration itself.
‘Well that’s saved me a lot of bother,’ said local resident Barrington Frisp. ‘If Jon Evans hadn’t helpfully explained what the letter and numbers were meant to say with some small writing just underneath the registration itself I might have assumed it was the car of my old nemesis, Jola Ev5, and I would have set it on fire.’
‘I was actually a bit panicked there for a moment,’ admitted another local, Labial Breeze. ‘I thought the car was owned by my old boyfriend, Jo Fourteenevs. Thank God Jon Evans had thoughtfully written his full name in small writing just underneath the registration itself, thereby fully explaining what it is meant to say.’
Even newcomers to the town were delighted by the small writing just underneath the registration itself. ‘I’m enormously grateful for the clarification provided by the small writing just underneath the registration itself,’ noted visitor Steve Greesy who had stopped by to purchase some heroin. ‘After all, there’s a fine line between “Jon Evans” and “ghastly, small-cocked twatflap buying a plate that looks nothing like his fucking name”.’