‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello.
On Sunday 6 July I done proceed in an easterly direction to the British Grand Prix what done be in the Silverstone area of Northamptonshire. And Buckinghamshire.
Here I done observe a red Ferrari vehicle driven by an IC1 male, one Mr Kimi Raikkonen of Finland, what done leave the road at what, to be honest, done be considerable speed. This motorist done then attempt to rejoin the thoroughfare and done lose what be, in fairness, control. He done then done collide with what done be three inert objects, what done be a barrier, another barrier, and Mr Felipe Massa of Brazil.
Mr Raikkonen’s incident done be, in fairness, a lesson in two things. Firstly, the dangers of driving after you done had a drink. Number two, always have some spare barrier in stock because, to be honest, it done take almost an hour to drive to the nearest B&Q and back.
Later on during what be, to be fair, the same day, I done observe a road traffic incident between a grey Sauber vehicle driven by an IC2 male, one Mr Esteban Gutierrez of Mexico, and a black Lotus vehicle driven by another IC2, one Mr Pastor Maldonado of impending disaster. This incident done be, in fairness, not the fault of Mr Maldonado but, to be honest, there isn’t a section on my accident report form for that eventuality.
Over and out.