Jaguar is to follow the success of their ‘it’s good to be bad’ adverts with a new, more extreme campaign entitled ‘it’s good to be a complete twat’.
‘The “it’s good to be bad” message celebrated being a bit naughty and having a twinkle in your eye,’ said Jag’s marketing boss, Mags Jarketing-Boss. ‘But we need to step things up a notch and really grab people’s attention, which is why for the launch of the XE our key brand message is that sometimes it’s okay to be a total bellend about stuff.’
Jag sources say the ad campaign for the new car will feature a number of high profile British actors engaging in beautifully shot activities such as tailgating someone on the motorway, failing to wave thank you after someone has let you through a gap, and parking at a shoddy angle in a parent-child space even though they don’t have a baby with them.
‘The “it’s good to be a complete twat” campaign is all about attracting a certain type of consumer,’ said Jarketing-Boss. ‘Basically, Audi drivers.’