Vauxhall is to build on the existing Adam range of Glam, Slam and Jam models with a new range of special editions, starting with the Adam Spam.
The new variant is said the be ‘very meaty’ and ‘does what it says on the tin’. For a modern twist, the sat-nav will flood you with messages telling the driver they have inherited $47,000,000 and could ‘looose weight now!’.
UK-based Australians are the target of another new model, the Adam Tim Tam, whilst for people who have had a couple of pints but don’t like things too spicy there is the Adam Lambpassander.
The final new variant is the Adam Flan, which is based on the European market Opel Adam Quiche.
‘I don’t know about you,’ said a Vauxhall spokesman. ‘But I’m starving.’