A motorist in Australia got a shock today as they returned to their car to find the driver’s seat already occupied by Dutch racing driver Giedo van der Garde.
‘He said I’d promised him a go in my car and wouldn’t get out,’ explained Steve-o Wilson-o, 36, of Melbourne. ‘So I had to let him, then as soon as we set off he swerved into the next lane and hit another car. He said it was because he’d been promised a place on that bit of road, then he asked where my house was and what my wife was like.’
Sources in Australia say van der Garde has been making a nuisance of himself in this way since arrived in the country two days ago, sitting on the lap of another man on the plane after claiming he’d been promised seat 14B.
‘This is a really awkward situation,’ said Sauber driver Marcus Ericsson speaking exclusively to Sniff Petrol on the phone. ‘Hold on, I’m out for dinner. The waiter is just showing us to our tabl… oh for God’s sake.’