There was delight amongst second hand car buyers today with news that everything just needs a re-gas.
‘I was looking at a seven year old Vectra and I was a bit concerned that the seller said the air-con didn’t work,’ explained local man person, Gresty Podes. ‘But then I noticed that he’d added “just needs a re-gas” and that completely reassured me that it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, I’m sure the constant clonk from the rear axle and the inability for the engine to run on all cylinders at the same time could also be solved by a re-gas, if the seller were to say so.’
‘It’s amazing how many things can be fixed because they just need a re-gas,’ explained Professor Knud Fliptit, Head of Totally Bullshit Excuse Studies at St Bernard College, Frigging. ‘Frankly, it’s amazing we haven’t achieve total peace in the Middle East yet when all it requires is someone with no actual knowledge of what they’re talking about to confidently declare that the situation “just needs a re-gas”.’
‘What does re-gas actually mean?’ said people who write it in ads for cars they’re selling, yesterday.