Mercedes has revealed radical plans to make a German television soap opera based around far too many characters, several of whom keep changing their names for no readily apparent reason.
Called Mercedes Strasse, the new show will broadcast on Deutsch TV Station 3 and promises ‘efficiency, safety and endless name-based confusion’.
‘Oh ja, it’s going to be a needlessly baffling show,’ explained consulting producer, Consultin Produzer. ‘For example, one of the many, many characters is called Astrid. But then, in the next show, she is suddenly called Annika and we are pretending she is someone new, even though she looks almost exactly the same. It makes no sense whatsoever!’
‘The viewer may find this extremely hard to fathom,’ Produzer continued. ‘They will think, ‘Why have they changed her name? Nothing else about her has changed! This is bullshit!’ And then they will go out and buy an SLC, or SLE, or SLK or whatever it’s called this week’.
Mercedes Strasse will go up against Audi’s new drama series about a bunch of spies who are terrible at their jobs because they tail people too closely.