‘Ello ‘ello ‘ello. On Saturday 19 March I done proceed in a southerly direction to the Australian Grand Prix, what done be in the Melbourne area of Melbourne, in Australia.
Here I done witness unusually high traffic flow for what done be the time of day but this then done be followed by unusually quiet road conditions and this done be, in fairness, really boring. This done be an example of what done be done happening if road traffic regulations done be altered without due care and attention so that they done do become, to be fair, bollocks. This done be a useful reminder for all relevant authorities of the value of done doing a complete, to be honest, U-turn.
On Sunday 20 March I done remain in the Melbourne area of Australia, in Australia. Here I done observe a black McLaren vehicle driven by an IC2 male, one Fernando Alonso of Spain, what done collide with a grey Ferrari-based vehicle driven by another IC2 male, one Esteban Gutierrez of Mexico. The incident done cause both drivers to lose control of their vehicles and Mr Alonso done suffer several moments when his vehicle done be, in fairness, the wrong way up.
Both motorists done be thankfully unharmed what done be, to be fair, a tribute to how strong a modern motor vehicle done be, but this done also be a valuable reminder that these vehicles done also do travel at high speeds, even ones that done be slow and, in fairness, shit. Over and out.