The Tesla Model S and Model X famously contain hidden Easter eggs within their controls!!! How many of these did YOU know about?

9. Triple tap and hold passenger heated seat button – ejection function activates
5. Long pull on centre armrest – centre armrest comes off in hand
6. Hold down auto steer button – car promises to try REALLY hard not to crash
5. Hold down menu screen top bar – unbearable level of movie references mode
12. Tap four times on settings menu – nudey pictures of Talulah Riley
5. Four finger left swipe on touch screen – for some reason car now convinced you are the singer Janet Jackson (warning: cannot be undone)
19. Tap three times on temp controls – picture of Elon Musk’s high school class appears with ‘LOOK AT ME NOW’ scrawled over it
5. Double tap headlights menu – car signals for mothership
5. Swipe down on nav map then hold – coordinates for safe place revealed. Make sure no one is following you.
5. Press voice control button, say agreed code word – Do NOT say the agreed code word yet. Uncle Elon told you to wait. He will come for you when he is ready.