The affable Kiwi racer looks back on a turbulent weekend for Toro Rosso at the Chinese Grand Prix

I was so stoked to be driving in the Chinese Grund Prix in Shunghai. It’s a super uxciting venue and I wuz just so hippy to be embarking on my third race in Formula Wun thus year.
I giss quulifyung could have been butter, but I’m sid to say the car jist wusn’t quuck enough so we had to suttle for fufteenth efter gutting knocked out in the sucond sussion. In the circumstunces I wus jist hippy to make ut thut far, and to be two places abuve my tim mite.
I giss you could soy the rass utself wus a luttle liss socksissfell uz Piarre and moysilf hid a coming togithar ifter u muscummunacashin ut tha mudpont uv tha rass ovur whin und whirr we were gowing to swutch pusutions und whuch lid to uh cullushun whuch in torn truggud tha suftee cirr.
It wuzz a sumpull mustack but ut cust me ma rass us ah latuh hid to rutarr tha kir wuth a garbucks ushoo. Owl in owl, a but uv a shutty wukond bat ah giss thut’s rassing!
Arl thar bist. Brundin
Special correspondent: Michael Taylor