Your questions answered by a needlessly defensive anus from an electric car forum

Dear A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum,
My Model X is one year old and I’ve noticed several stone chips on the front clip which have actually taken off a lot of paint and to be honest my car looks kind of bad up close. I’ve contacted Tesla and they say this is natural wear and tear but my previous car, a BMW, did not suffer this issue even after five years. Should I keep complaining?
Gary, NY
A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum replies…
Hi Gary. Welcome to the forum. Let me ask you once thing; do you even understand what a Tesla is? It’s clear to me you have no idea how to use this vehicle and these claimed “stone chips” are as a result of your failure to appreciate the sophistication and intelligence of Tesla engineering. Have you considered that you may be more suited to BMW ownership. You seem like that kind of guy and your failure to comprehend the unique nature of your Tesla is highly indicative of that. Peace out!
Dear A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum,
I’ve had my Model S for four months now and I have a few issues. The A/C has never worked right and won’t blow cold even on the lowest setting, one of the rear doors won’t open from the outside, and the Autopilot sometimes doesn’t engage unless I stop and do a reset. Are these common problems?
Anna, NJ
A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum replies…
Hey Anna. So I’ve read your list of complaints and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the thing that is not working properly is your brain. Do you even understand how a Tesla functions? These are design features and you should spend more time being thankful that you have them and less time creating negativity about the Tesla experience. In honesty, we do not want people like you causing trouble in the community and I would thank you to keep your appalling, ungrateful attitude to yourself in future. Smooth runnings!
Dear A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum,
Last month I was driving our Model S on Autopilot when the system was briefly confused by bright sunlight, causing me to collide with a semi-truck which then caused another semi to side swipe our vehicle sending it into a ravine and I guess I just can’t believe that this could happen to me and my family. We’re all still in shock that will take a long time to get over and I don’t think we will ever be the same again.
Jacob, CA
A Total Prick From A Tesla Forum replies…
This is a TYPICAL problem caused by people who do not understand how to use Autopilot correctly and fail to comprehend the full potential of a completely autonomous driving system which, it has always been made TOTALLY clear, is not completely autonomous. I recently completed a 500 mile journey on Autopilot without ONCE touching the controls apart from the normal corrections, interventions and resets, and this is the experience Tesla meant for us but which clearly is not good enough for YOU. Instead we have to put up with knuckleheads like you and your “family” coming here with your negativity and blame and in future it would behove you to cease with the PETTY complaints that poison our righteous community. The system is GOOD. There is NO PROBLEM with the system. Do NOT question the system. Elon’s LOVE is pure. Message ends.