Big brains to back-and-forth on Boullier bafflement

A panel of the finest minds in Formula 1 will assemble next month for a ground-breaking public debate in which they will attempt to answer the hardest and most perplexing question in motorsport – how has Eric Boullier still got a job?
The boffins will debate all aspects of how on earth Eric Boullier still has a job under carefully selected sub-headings such as “The team are still completely shit” and “How much heavily accented bollocks can one man talk?” as well as more obscure but potentially revealing categories such as “Appears to be bursting out of his own skin like a sausage” and “Looks like if you touched him he’d be slightly slimy”.
The panel, comprising the most respected experts in powertrain engineering, aerodynamics, strategy and marketing, will carefully weigh up all of the mystifying evidence for why in the name of all that’s holy Eric Boullier still has a job in front of a specially selected audience of people which is sure to contain Fernando Alonso.
The live discussion – entitled Eric Boullier – Que Le Fuck? – will take place on Saturday 7 July, just before the British Grand Prix, and is part of a larger event called The Fuckwits of F1 which will include a range of fascinating public events including Getting Away With It The Cyril Abiteboul Way, Sorry, What Do You Do? – The Sam Michael Legacy and a fascinating round table in which some of F1’s most experienced minds will try to find the point of Paddy Lowe.