With Top Gear back on BBC2 this Sunday, car forum RevWheel has taken the unusual step of getting its discussion thread about the programme out of the way in advance.
‘We decided it would be quicker and easier to get the Top Gear thread done before the weekend,’ explained RevWheel moderator, the Reverend Will Moderator. ‘So we asked someone to say they didn’t enjoy the show, and someone else to complain that it’s all “scripted”, and then someone else to moan about the mucking about, and then someone else to say ‘I enjoyed it’ with an emoticon that denotes embarrassment, and then someone else to say they hate it and complain that it isn’t about cars any more, and then someone else to ask why everyone watched it if they don’t like it, and then someone else to agree and point out that it’s an entertainment show not a car show, and then someone else to say it’s time it was cancelled, and then someone else to say it’ll never be cancelled because it makes the BBC too much money, and then someone else to state completely inaccurate facts about how much the show earns, and then someone else to say it’s too “scripted” again, and then someone else to mention William Woollard, and then we just copy and pasted all that over and over and over again until we ended up with 47 pages of repetitive drivel, and that spared us having to do it for real on Sunday night.’
‘This really has saved a lot of time,’ Rev. Moderator noted. ‘In fact, we’re now considering doing pre-built threads for politics, Chris Harris and the Mazda MX5.’