Sniff Petrol

Ask a man in a self-driving car prototype
Your motoring questions addressed by the world’s most unrelaxed person

Chris Bangle remembers your cruel words, by Chris Bangle
The former BMW design boss has something to tell us

Alonso could return to F1 if there was top team he could piss off
Retiring race ace rules out ruling out return

Oh God, its tongue is touching my leg again, by the man on the Alfa Romeo badge
Have you ever smelt a snake’s breath? It’s musty but dry.

Drinks bottle fault makes Raikkonen especially thirsty
Finnish race ace professes parchedness after fluid feeder fuck up

Roy Lanchester has got a new book out
Well-oiled car correspondent’s great lost novel is published at last, as he explains here

The return of the Gas Dandy
Freddie Bulliard of the Gas Dandy website, merchandise business and podcast recounts a visit to last week’s Esposizione di Stile